AAMA's senior students and instructors took part in the BJMA VIC Zen Do Kai State Grading in Bendigo on Saturday 9th November 2024.
We want to congratulate our instructors Zac Williams for achieving his senior 3rd Degree Black Belt and honour grade of Sensei, and Aaron Lees for earning his senior 1st Degree Black Belt and honour grade Sempai. We are all very proud of their performance on the day, and their very well-earned new ranks and titles.
To add to the day's achievements, Sensei Zac was also voted Best on Floor for this year's State Grading, proving that dedication and hard work pay off! We look forward to sharing in Sensei Zac and Sempai Aaron's martial arts journey as they continue to aim high in their own training, while sharing their knowledge with our Kids Karate and Zen Do Kai students as class instructors.
We would also like to acknowledge our senior instructor, Shihan Cam (5th Degree Black Belt, Zen Do Kai), on his selection and appointment as the Zen Do Kai 2nd Degree Grading Coordinator for 2025. Students training toward their 2nd Degree Grading next year will be guided by Shihan's wealth of knowledge, teaching skill, and his passion for martial arts.
A special mention to AAMA Members Kyoshi Bill (Zen Do Kai), who was awarded with recognition for 45 years of training, and to Johnnie Morton (Muay Thai) for 30 consecutive years of training. This is testament to the fact that a martial arts journey is for life, that there is always something new to learn, and to give back by sharing their knowledge and experience with those just starting out, or making their way through their own journey.
We look forward to seeing more of our AAMA Students and Instructors work toward their next ranks, and continue to aim high!
Well done everyone!