Starting Saturday 1st of September, we are running a Women's Krav Maga Street Defence, Self Defence course for Women at our Epping Club.
Over 5 x 1 hour sessions, we will be teaching Krav Maga Street Defence, Women's Self-Defence training.
This is your opportunity to learn how to be more alert and feel safer on the street, by gaining the fundamental skills required to counter potential attacks based on realistic, true-to-life scenarios.
Women who have completed our Self Defence training have expressed they feel empowered with knowledge, they are more confident, have an increased sense of awareness and overall feeling of improved safety and preparedness.
Total cost for 5 x 1 hour sessions is $120, including a free Krav Maga Training Shirt.
Training commences at 10:00am, Saturday 1st September 2018.
To enrol online, please visit our Women's Krav Maga Self Defence page , or contact us on 03 8418 1822.