AAMA will be hosting the ever-important Level 2 First Aid Training Course on the 8th & 9th of April 2022. The course includes 6 hours of face-to-face training over the 2 sessions (Friday 8th April: 5pm-8pm and Saturday 9th April: 1pm-4pm).
All AAMA Instructors and Staff undertake regular First Aid training to maintain our current First Aid & CPR certifications. We welcome AAMA members who are interested in taking part in the Level 2 First Aid course, to join us.
Level 2 First Aid Covers the following units:
HLTAID003: PROVIDE FIRST AID – 3 year certification
6 hours of face to face training with a personal study component to be completed. This course applies to all workers or individuals who may be required to provide first aid response in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings.
HLTAID001: Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – 12 month certification
This unit provides you with the skills and knowledge required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines and includes AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training.
This course is open to all current AAMA Members - to join us for this year's First Aid training, please register your interest and we'll send you an enrolment form.